
Beyond Paper Webinar: Let's Talk Certification With EOCCS Director

Watch our insightful discussion with EOCCS Director and learn about the benefits, challenges and future of online certificates.
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Beyond Paper Webinar: Let's talk certification with EOCCS Director

Check out our webinar "Beyond Paper", where our Head of Growth Daria talks with industry experts and explores the area of digital credentialing, online certification, and accreditation.

This time we talked with Mr. Keith Pond an expert in micro-credentialing and online education certification, and accreditation. Mr. Pond is an experienced management educator and EFMD Global Online Course Certification Scheme (EOCCS) Director. EFMD as an international membership organization provides a forum for information, accreditation, research, networking and debate on innovation and best practice in management development.

Key Takeaways From The Beyond Paper Webinar

1. Digitalization of the education industry

Digitalization is becoming mainstream in the education industry. An an effect of Covid-19 traditional universities needed to digitalize to be able to continue its operations. This helped them to acquire needed skills and discover new ways of teaching that are supported by digitalization.. An an effect of Covid-19 traditional universities needed to digitalize to be able to continue its operations. This helped them to acquire needed skills and discover new ways of teaching that are supported by digitalization.

2. The evolving perspectives of educators towards disruptive technologies

Teachers and educators are adopting a new perspective towards discruptive technologies like blockchain or AI tools, recognizing their potential impact on education. This shift in attitude and culture reflects the acknowledgement that AI will play a significant role in their professional lives. Consequently, educators are realizing the importance of developing skills to effectively utilize these technologies and are embracing a more agile approach to teaching. Engaging in conversations with students becomes crucial in navigating this evolving landscape.

3. Transformative potential of blockchain for certification

The adoption of blockchain technology for certification purposes enables individuals to create their own portfolio of expertise and skills, including micro-credentials and badges. By utilizing blockchain, trust is established as it provides transparency and credibility, ensuring that both universities and students can rely on the information presented. This fosters confidence among individuals and companies, knowing that what they see on CV or other platforms is indeed accurate and trustworthy.

4. Main drivers of development of micro-credentials

The dynamic development of the micro-credential space is influenced by various drivers. One significant driver is the movement within the European Union to categorize and structure micro-credentials, aiming to standardize them across the region. However, challenges arise due to differing systems within Europe, where some universities are independent while others are dependent on the Ministry of Education. Additionally, technology itself plays a crucial role in promoting the growth of micro-credentials by showcasing its security and strength. Nevertheless, the most significant driver remains consumer demand, as individuals seek agility, stackability, and connectivity in their educational pursuits, desiring flexibility, options, and personalized experiences.

5. Biggest challenge within the educational space regarding the adoption of blockchain technology

According to Keith Pond, the biggest challenge within the educational space regarding the adoption of blockchain technology is the issue of control. Universities traditionally value control as part of their quality assurance process, and relinquishing power to technologies like blockchain is challenging for them. The university mindset associates quality with control, making it difficult to embrace the decentralized nature of blockchain and trust it as a reliable tool for certification.

Get all insights and listen to the whole webinar below ⬇️


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